Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Going Green with Your Gadgets? 6 Popular Myths Debunked!

You recycle paper, turn off lights, and use your own bags - all great ways to go green. But when it comes to electronics, many of us reach for the latest, mega-featured gadget with little concern about the long-term effect it will have on the environment. And that's too bad, because for each new gizmo that comes along another one - or more - becomes outdated and ends up in the landfill, along with 80 percent of the other old electronics.

Computers, cell phones, and hand-held devices will continue to have a big impact on our daily lives, but they don't have to make a big impact on our environment if we're smart about how we buy, use and dispose of them. Unfortunately there are a few firmly-held misconceptions stopping some of us from going green with our electronics. Here we clear them up.

Myth #1 - Buying green electronics is just marketing hype.
NOT TRUE! When purchasing a new computer or device compare the most eco-friendly model with their regular counterparts point by point. You will find green electronics have been specifically developed to reduce energy consumption and use fewer natural resources.

Myth #2 - Green electronics cost more.
FALSE. If you consider the total cost of ownership like long-term energy savings and potential trade-in value, green electronics are actually less expensive to own.

Myth #3 - Green gadgets don't perform as well.
NO WAY. The opposite is true. As more attention has turned to environmentally-friendly products, electronics manufacturers have responded by developing new technologies that boost performance, increase productivity, and extend the overall life of the product.

Myth #4 - The Energy Star logo doesn't really matter.
NOT SO! Products with the Energy Star logo have earned that status. They provide the same performance and features as conventional models but use less energy, so you save money while also conserving the world's resources.

Myth #5 - Green designs look dull.
UNTRUE. While that's a common criticism about certain hybrid vehicles, it's not true of green electronics which have the same sleek, attractive design as other electronics.

Myth #6 - The image quality on the monitor or screen is not as clear on eco-friendly devices.
INCORRECT. Newer manufacturing techniques have improved the screen resolution so you can see the finest of images, all with the added benefit of consuming less energy and being easier on the environment.

Easy Tips for Greening Your Gadgets and More
When looking for a new computer or other electronic device, consider buying used or recycled equipment, and be sure to make full use of all the features. For example, most cell phones feature alarm clocks, calculators, cameras, and music and video players. That's five devices in one. And while it's tempting to be first in line when a new product's released, use your electronics as long as possible. Before buying ask yourself if you really need it or just want bragging rights. Finally, when your device has reached the end of its life, recycle through the manufacturer, community programs or sell it online.

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