Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Daily Office Green Tip - Get the Green Light

Get the Green Light
Making green choices when it comes to lighting not only provides energy efficiency and savings, it also adds to the comfort, productivity and ambiance of your workplace.
- Replace regular incandescent bulbs and fixtures with Energy Star-qualified compact fluorescent lights (CFLs). CFLs cast a warmer, soft white glow. Although initially more expensive than regular bulbs, they use between 60% and 80% less energy and last much longer (between 6,000 and 15,000 hours compared with about 1,000 hours with incandescents).
- Use task lighting.
- Install dimmers and timers to extend bulb life.
- Don't underestimate the power of natural daylight, it's free, it's pleasant and has been proven to improve worker productivity and customer satisfaction. Also, be sure that walls are painted in a light color to enhance the advantage of that natural light.
- Lighting accounts for up to 50% of a building's energy consumption. By simply turning off unnecessary lights, you can reduce the amount of energy used for lighting by up to 45%.

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