By remaining mindful of the impacts on the environment and community, events can be produced without leaving a negative footprint. The Meet Green program at the Colorado Convention Center (CCC) focuses on building operation, education and resources, and the industry as a whole.
So how do you achieve such lofty ambitions?
*Photovoltaic panel installation on roof capable of continually providing 300KW of power
*Timed lighting system controlled by electrician's allows lighting levels to be at 50% during event move-in and move out, and 100% only during event hours in occupied space
*Monitoring and control of doors by security through facility walks focusing on closing doors not in use
*Free ECO-Passes given to all employees of the CCC to encourage light rail and bus use
*Conversion of all existing toilets and urinals to low flush. Water savings translates to be 1,000 gallons if all were flushed simultaneously
*Recycling of plastic and glass bottles, aluminum/tin cans, paper and cardboard products in a co-mingled, single stream program throughout the facility
*Post-consumer content and recycled office supplies used in all administrative offices supplied by EcoGreenOffice
*Switching fixtures in Exhibit Hall to Florescent lights for a savings of 2,679,412 kwhr per year
This is just a sampling of the incredible efforts the Colorado Convention Center has installed to green up. You can learn more about Meet Green here!

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