Thursday, August 14, 2008

Colorado Convention Center- Greening 2.2 Million Sq. Ft

A huge focal point in the City of Denver is the 2.2 million square foot Colorado Convention Center. Host to countless events and hundreds of thousands visitors every year, the Colorado Convention Center is setting the standard on how to green a massive facility. Conferences today are not only capable of bringing together people and ideas, but can also work to increase collective social responsibility.

By remaining mindful of the i
mpacts on the environment and community, events can be produced without leaving a negative footprint. The Meet Green program at the Colorado Convention Center (CCC) focuses on building operation, education and resources, and the industry as a whole. The goal of the program is to make green meetings an attainable goal for any meeting or conference.

So how do you achieve such lofty ambitions?
*Photovoltaic panel installation on roof capable of continually providing 300KW of power
*Timed lighting system controlled by electrician's allows lighting levels to be at 50% during event move-in and move out, and 100% only during event hours in occupied space

*Monitoring and control of doors by security through facility walks focusing on closing doors not in use
*Free ECO-Passes given to all employees of the CCC to encourage light rail and bus use
*Conversion of all existing toilets and urinals to low flush. Water savings translates to be 1,000 gallons if all were flushed simultaneously
*Recycling of plastic and glass bottles, aluminum/tin cans, paper and cardboard products in a co-mingled, single stre
am program throughout the facility
*Post-consumer content and recycled office supplies used in all administrative offices supplied by EcoGreenOffice
*Switching fixtures in Exhibit Hall to Florescent lights for a savings of 2,679,412 kwhr per year

This is just a sampling of the incredible efforts the Colorado Convention Center has installed to green up. You can learn more about Meet Green here!

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